Cheer tryout season is upon us! Whether you’re preparing for middle school, high school, or college cheerleading tryouts, it’s crunch time. But don’t worry—there’s still time to get ready if you’re willing to put in the work. So, what are you doing (or what have you already done) to prepare?

Here are some key areas to focus on as you gear up for tryouts:

Confidence Level
How confident are you feeling? Confidence can make all the difference when you’re standing in front of a panel of judges. If you’re feeling nervous, that’s okay—most people do! The key is to channel those nerves into positive energy. Practice in front of a mirror, record yourself, and get feedback from friends, family, or coaches. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll feel.

Are you motivated? Motivation is the fuel that will keep you going through the long hours of practice. If you’re struggling to stay motivated, set clear goals for yourself. Imagine how great it will feel to hear your name announced as a new member of the team. Surround yourself with supportive people who will encourage and push you to do your best.

Scoresheets and Expectations
When are your tryouts? How well do you understand the scoresheet? Judges typically grade on specific criteria like jumps, motions, tumbling, and overall performance. Do your research! Ask for a copy of the scoresheet from previous tryouts or reach out to the coach for guidance. It’s also important to know the requirements and expectations of the team you’re trying out for. Some teams may emphasize tumbling, while others might prioritize sharp motions or showmanship. Tailor your preparation accordingly.

Skills Assessment
Take an honest look at your skills. How are your:

  • Jumps: Are they high, clean, and pointed toes?
  • Motions: Are they sharp, precise, and smooth?
  • Spiriting: Do you have high energy and engaging facial expressions?
  • Tumbling: Are your skills solid, safe, and consistent?

If you’re not where you want to be yet, don’t panic. Identify your weak areas and dedicate extra practice time to them. Remember, quality over quantity—a clean, well-executed skill will score higher than a messy advanced skill.

Weekly Focus in January
To help you prepare, we’ll be diving into specific categories each week this month:

  • Week 1: Confidence and Motivation
  • Week 2: Scoresheets and Team Expectations
  • Week 3: Jumps and Motions
  • Week 4: Spiriting and Tumbling

By breaking it down week by week, you’ll be able to focus on one area at a time and build up your skills step by step.

Final Thoughts
This may sound like a lot, but don’t let it overwhelm you. The goal is not to scare you but to prepare you. Tryouts can be nerve-wracking, but with the right mindset and preparation, you can walk in with confidence and give it your best shot.

The staff at ACA Larose or ACA Thibodaux would be happy to assist you in any of these areas.
So, let’s get to work! What’s your game plan for tryout season? Share your thoughts, questions, or challenges, and let’s tackle them together!